Judd Matheny Campaigns in Macon County

State Rep. Judd Matheny (R-Tullahoma) continues to work hard to win the Republican nomination for the Sixth Congressional District.

The primary is still more than a year away, and so far Matheny is the only announced candidate for the seat currently held by Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-06), but you could not tell that by the whirlwind of campaign events the veteran state legislator has held throughout the sprawling district since his announcement in June.

On Thursday, Matheny was in Lafayette, Tennessee where he spoke to the Macon County Republican Party.

Matheny’s main topic for the evening was frustration with the conduct of establishment Republicans in Washington, particularly with regards to the Senate’s failure to repeal Obamacare.

“People were furious. Senator Lamar Alexander’s vote [against repealing Obamacare] was a tipping point,” Matheny said of the attitude of those in attendance.

One person in the audience asked “Why does the leadership in the [Republican] Party push and advocate for [liberal] issues, such as Obamacare expansion, Common Core, a gas tax increase in a record state budget surplus?”

“And now, the ‘Patriarch’ of the Republican Party in Tennessee, Senator Lamar Alexander, has refused to repeal Obamcare against the wishes of every conservative in the state. Why?” the audience member asked Matheny.

“It matters who governs, and you better send people to Nashville and Washington, D.C. who will vote for the principles of the party, which claims to be conservative,” Matheny answered.

“Make the candidate live up to what they say they will do, or send them home quickly,” he added.

“People in the conservative wing of the party are infuriated at the establishment accusing them of destroying the party, when the Republican leadership is Tennessee is doing what the Democrats did to themselves: Leaving their core behind to plunder the country and follow the paths of least resistance,” Matheny concluded.

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